Saturday, June 27, 2009

Last Wednesday's Humanities Class

However long the class was on Wednesday, I enjoyed the material. I found it interesting how most of the arts were copied and either used over again or greatly improved upon. The arts really tell the story of the people. It tells of their dreams, beliefs, and fears.

I am also taking Teaching of the Living Prophets this term. This last week, I learned how important it is to listen to, know, and heed the words of the living prophet. Ancient prophets and others who have passed on are important to remember, but the living prophet teaches us what we need to know right now. Those that have passed on cannot. In a way, I can relate that to the humanities. It is important to know the ancient arts and be familiar with them, but how much more important is it to know and understand today's arts? We are a part of today, we live today, not yesterday and therefore must understand today's arts to do so.


  1. You made an interesting point that we are a part of today, not yesterday. Art from yesterday is important to help us understand ourselves and others at that time. However, the art that we have now is for us and may help us understand ourselves in the future. Like you said about prophets, the ancient ones are very important, but what we have now is for us. The ancient ones help us understand ourselves and even counsel that is given now. I probably repeated myself, but I think you get what I am trying to say.

  2. I love this relation of ideas. It is very important to understand past artworks and counsel because it not only gives a sense of the time period but also expounds on the reasoning and evolution that has lead us to where we are today. In my opinion part of the reason for studying and learning about humanities is to apply it to all things in society in order to learn more.
