Saturday, August 8, 2009


This week in class we discussed film or cinematography. We discussed its history and elements. The one thing that stuck out to me the most about film's history is how fast it was invented after the photograph was. I think it was somewhere around 20 years or so. The gates of Heaven had been opened. I did think about the restoration of the gospel when I though of how fast film developed after photography did.

I enjoyed watching some of the first films in class as well. The film about the moon was great. The special effects were good (for then). It is amazing for me to see how much film has changed over 100 years! Watching that movie also made me think about what everyone thought of moon in that time. We have come so far.

I also liked learning the different elements and techniques of film. The different responsibilities of the director, cinematographer, editor, etc. were interesting to know. I didn't really know any of that before. We also learned the different camera angles and shots. See the movies as examples of these shots helped me understand that concepts much better.

I'll probably view movies and TV with a new approach and understanding. Everything makes more sense when one understands that reasons for why a film or TV show was filmed the way it was filmed.

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