Friday, July 31, 2009

Walter Wick Exhibit

I went to the Walter Wick Exhibit at the BYU Museum of Art today. I loved it. To be honest with you, I had never heard of this artist before this summer. I'm glad I have now.

His work is very unique in that he takes simple figures, materials, and objects, rearranges them in a particular way, and then photographs them. The way he organizes his art for the photo creates illusions and a representation of the complex with what is simple. He uses mirrors in most of his illusions. Also, his illusions are created from the angle at which the photo is taken.

The photos look realistic or like a very detailed painting. It was also interesting to see some of the models next to the photos and imagining what was done to create the photo (getting the right lighting and shadows to create the image).

Here is a picture of my son Trevor outside the exhibit.

1 comment:

  1. You sure have a cute baby boy! It sure is interesting the objects that can be made into artwork. who would have thought that art could be made from such simple items. This blog made me think back to the chair we discussed in class. I never would have looked at a chair as a piece of art. But as we look past the function of object, we can see that must belongings in our homes or offices are themselves pieces of art.
