Saturday, July 25, 2009


In class on Wednesday, we began discussion on Drama and Theater. In the reading in preparation for the class, I learned again that drama started in Greece. Most of their plays were trageties while other were satires (humor). The government required that all of the citizens attended the plays. The ampitheatres were always outside.

This tradition continued until now although we are not required by anyone to attend a play. However, I wish that we would all go more often.

We also discussed some of the different stages that are used in plays and musicals. The ones I learned about were the Box Stage and the Arena Stage. I have been to both. I saw a box stage when I saw Phantom of the Opera and Titanic in Seattle. Last April, my wife and I saw Phantom at the Hale Center Theater in Salt Lake City. This venue had an Arena stage. It was much smaller than the box stage, but I enjoyed it. The actors were much closer to the audience which made the play itself more personal.

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