Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Waterboys - Film Screening

Last night, I went to Muse Music to watch "Waterboys". The picture is one of the 5 main actors.

The movie was supposed to start at 10pm. However, it didn't start until 10:30pm. I think the host wanted to wait until more people had come. By 10pm, there were only 4 people there ready to watch the movie, including myself.

The movie was color (I thought it would be black-and-white) and in Japaneses with English subtitles. The movie was about a group of high school boys that had quit every other activity that had started at school. The school hired a new, female, swimming coach and all of those boys joined the swim team. Most of them didn't join the team because they wanted to swim. All of them also thought that they would be taught how to swim competitively, but the swimming coach thought there would be girls at the school (this was an all-boys school) and wanted to teach synchronized swimming. After hearing that, all but 5 of the boys quit.

A end of summer break festival was planned and this synchro team, as they called it, was to perform. The swimming coach ended up being 8 months pregnant (no belly at all) and took maternity leave. The 5 boys ended up quiting.

Later, the leader of this group got inspiration after going to Sea World in Japan, and got the group of 5 together again. They were put to work and trained by the dolphin trainer at Sea World. When the festival came around and the rest of the original group saw how popular men's synchro had become, they joined the team again.

With about 30 boys, the team performed at the festival. All of there routine was modeled after what the dolphins were doing at Sea World. The performance ended up being great.

The movie was humorous in a cheezy way. Everyone watching the movie laughed. It was entertaining. The acting or the script weren't great, but still okay. I like the movie. The moral of the story, as I understood it, was to never quit, but keep trying.


  1. yeah foreign films can be really funny sometimes. i love unintentional humor!

  2. So, other than being humorous, how else might you be able to read and analyze the film? What kind of meaning did you find in it, and how do the film makers help you understand that meaning?
