Saturday, July 18, 2009


In class on Wednesday, we read and discussed a couple manifestos. I'm sorry, but I can't remember who had written them. One of them may have been futurists, but I'm not sure.

Some of the things or ideas expressed in the manifestos were pretty out there and extreme. Some made sense while others seemed to never get to the point.

I find it interesting that there are so many different kinds of people with different interests who express their feelings in so many different ways. One of the most symbolic ways if through art. These manifestos seem to me, to be paintings of the groups ideals, but only in words. Maybe that's why some of them don't seem too clear. The people see their opinion in a work of art, but it is hard to describe that in words. When done in words and not painting, sculptures, etc. the entire meaning is not conveyed.


  1. Can you recall how the manifestos, the ideals that each group possessed, showed through the art they created? The Dadaist manifesto kind of meandered into nonsense at the end. How would that be reflected in the art? It's interesting how the two (words and art) are so related, especially for Modernists.

  2. Yeah, I agree that some of those manifestos were hard to understand. Maybe that's the point though.
